Main Club

Monthly meetings are held at The Hew Roberts Lecture Theatre, Clifton Street, UWA Nedlands Campus (not the main campus) on the first Friday of each month unless this precedes a long weekend when it is deferred to the second Friday. Meetings commence at 7.30 pm.  There is adequate car parking off Clifton and Gordon Streets.

Meetings normally take the form of an illustrated talk on some aspect of natural history. The talk is usually presented by an enthusiast in a particular field and is pitched at a level which will be understood by a non-specialist audience. The talk is usually followed by a ‘Focus’ segment where a particular habitat, plant or animal is introduced. Members are encouraged to bring along natural history specimens and other items of interest for discussion. These can usually be viewed after the close of the meeting when there is time to socialise with other members.

Workshops on nature subjects are held about twice a year and these are open to non-members.

Excursions are held once or twice a month and may be for half or whole day at the weekend, or half a day mid week with longer camping excursions further afield on long weekends.

A long range  excursion of about 8 to 12 days is organised each year, usually to a remote part of Western Australia.

Each year a notable speaker is invited to present the Serventy Memorial  Lecture, honouring the Serventy family of prominent conservationists. Other special meetings may be arranged with important guest speakers.  An entrance fee is charged for these special meetings.