Fungi Of The Perth Region And Beyond by Neale L Bougher

Updated version now available

The local fungi guidebook Fungi of the Perth Region and Beyond was last published in 2009 by the WA Naturalists’ Club and has since been freely available on-line on the club’s website. Now a 2017 revised version can be viewed and/or downloaded at the same website at Fungi of the Perth Region and Beyond.

The revised version has the same fungi as the previous version but serves to provide updated names for many of the fungi. Recent taxonomic studies have resulted in many changed names, including the accurate identification of some previously unidentified or tentatively-named fungi. The new names are highlighted in yellow in the index at the front of the book, and a table of the updated species names is presented at the back of the book. Also a further 27 fungi that have become Fungimap target species in the time since the 2009 edition are flagged in the revised version.

My long-overdue intention has been to expand this guidebook with the addition of many more species of fungi. However circumstances have not allowed for this to happen as yet in the format of Fungi of the Perth Region and Beyond. Rather, circumstances have led me to include hundreds more species in a separate field guide, exclusively made to assist the fungi team undertaking ongoing annual surveys at Kings Park and Bold Park. The next planned version of Fungi of the Perth Region and Beyond will include all of those extra species and no doubt more.

Neale Bougher