Ten reasons why you should join the W.A. Naturalists’ Club

Joining the Naturalists’ Club enables you to attend events of interest to you, but there’s so much more that your support of the Club achieves.

For a modest annual subscription you join hundreds of others playing a vital role in helping support the study and protection of the natural environment in Western Australia.

Here’s ten reasons why you should become a member of the Western Australian Naturalists’ Club …

  1. You will support an ever increasing library of natural history books and journals that members have access to and can borrow from.
  2. You will support the publication of a highly respected Western Australia specific scientific journal that is extremely valuable for younger researchers looking to publish their work in an internationally distributed peer reviewed journal.
  3. You will support conservation, science and research Western Australia such as the Club’s contribution Fungi of Australia: Inocybaceae, Matheny & Bougher, 2017.
  4. You will support the publication of new field guides such as Identification and Ecology of Southwest Australian Orchids, Brundrett, 2016, and the popular Fungi of the Perth Region and Beyond, Bougher, revised 2017.
  5. You will contribute both financially and practically to conservation through the Club’s affiliation with organisations such as the Conservation Council of Western Australia.
  6. You will support the running of the annual Serventy Lecture and Prize which raises money to encourage and reward students with a special interest in Western Australian natural history.
  7. You will support the maintenance of the Yunderup Field Station to which you’ll have access for day or longer term stays.
  8. You will support efforts to encourage children and young adults to explore and appreciate the unique and rich environmental heritage around them, for example, by running events for “young naturalists”.
  9. You will have a stronger voice on conservation and environmental issues via submissions through a respected body.
  10. AND YOU’LL …
  • Get access to meetings, talks, excursions and camps at all branches of the Club.
  • Meet and learn from fellow nature enthusiasts, scientists and conservationists.
  • Receive a monthly newsletter with reports, updates and events.
  • Receive the quarterly journal, The Naturalist.
  • Receive discounts on all Club publications.

Joining is easy, become a member today …