KRM Branch Nov 2023 AGM & General Meeting

The November meeting was the KRMB AGM. Our Chairperson, Colin Prickett, opened the meeting by welcoming everyone. He then read the minutes of the 2022 AGM and then summarised the branch’s activities for 2023. The Treasurer, Norman Aitken, then presented the financial report for the year to date. There was no change to the committee, with Colin Prickett as Chair, Ailsa Rabone as Secretary, Norman Aitken as Treasurer and Chris Punter, Pauline Dilley, Daniel Heald, Desiree Heald and Gillian Beadell as committee members.

Following the close of the official part of the meeting, two members shared images taken on recent nature walks. First up was Sabine Alberro, who presented images she had taken during the KRMB weekend stay at Dryandra. These included photos of Eucalyptus macrocarpa, Carnaby’s Black Cockatoos, Cricket Ball Banksia, Regent Parrots, and Red-capped Robin. She then presented a series of images from Mt Lesueur National Park, including photos of Pimpernel Drosera, Black Kangaroo Paws, Stylidium sp. Verticordia sp. and Flower Wasps.

Next to present was Daniel Heald, who showed photos taken during a night walk to find insects at Melon Hill, Swanbourne. The photos included Plant Hoppers farmed by ants, Yellow Headed Plant Hopper Nymphs, Mantid Lacewings Stag Beetle, and an adult Ant Lion. He also showed photos taken during a night walk at Karnup Nature Reserve. These included a Longhorn Caddis Fly, a Wolf Spider, and a Net Casting Spider. Also included were photos of a scorpion illuminated by a UV light source, a Little Marbled Scorpion, a Badge Huntsman, and an Orange Assassin Bug. The audience thanked both presenters for sharing their sightings.

Colin Prickett