Western Australian Naturalists Club

Encouraging the study and protection of the natural environment


Henderson Environmental Centre Henderson Environmental Centre End of Groat St, North Beach, Australia

As our scheduled meeting clashes with the Serventy Memorial Lecture we have cancelled our April meeting.

We urge all our members to attend the Serventy Memorial Lecture which this year will be delivered by the Club's co-patron Professor Lyn Beazley AO.

Four and a Half Billion Years and Counting: A West Australian Portal into Life on Earth.

Purchase your tickets via the Club's website.

Kimberley Reefs and Islands

Henderson Environmental Centre Henderson Environmental Centre End of Groat St, North Beach, Australia

Join Don Poynton as he takes us on a cruise through the reefs and islands of the Kimberley Coast from Ashmore Reef to Rowley Shoals. Don will cover the history and biodiversity of four reefs and three islands using some of the many photos he took both above and underwater.
Our presentation on Abalone has been rescheduled to 19 June.


Henderson Environmental Centre Henderson Environmental Centre End of Groat St, North Beach, Australia

We will kick start the year with a late afternoon walk around Star Swamp followed by a BBQ. Odd house numbers bring salad, Even numbers dessert, to share BYO Meat, drinks, plates, cutlery.


Henderson Environmental Centre Henderson Environmental Centre End of Groat St, North Beach, Australia

All members of the Club are invited to attend the Annual General Meeting of the Northern Suburbs Branch of the Western Australian Naturalists'  Club Inc. Agenda. Confirmation of the minutes of the 2022 AGM Chairman's Report Treasurer's Report Election of Office Bearers and Committee for 2024 Any Other Business. The ...

Search for the Queen of Sheba

Henderson Environmental Centre Henderson Environmental Centre End of Groat St, North Beach, Australia

Our speaker  Dr Daniela Scaccabarozzi will introduce the multi-award winning film Search for the Queen of Sheba. This award winning documentary movie depicts the incredible journey of the renowned Wild Orchid Man, Stig Dalström, and filmmaker Darryl Saffer along with the Italo Australian researcher Daniela Scaccabarozzi and her husband, Andrea Aromatisi on ...

Glorious Grasstrees! (Xanthorrhoea) and other Flora at Star Swamp

Henderson Environmental Centre Henderson Environmental Centre End of Groat St, North Beach, Australia

Xanthorrhoea) Grass trees epitomise the Australian bush: they're beautiful, ancient, hardy, thrive in nutrient-poor soils and respond to wildfire by flowering profusely. Grasstrees are iconic plants, recognisable even to budding botanists. All 66 species are only found in Australia.

Distinguished Professor Emeritus Byron Lamont, will be sharing his expert knowledge of these plants as we walk in the Star Swamp, a 96 hectare Class-A reserve It is located 15 km north of Perth and comprises four hectares of semi-permanent freshwater lake with paperbark trees and 92 hectares of Banksia, Tuart, Jarrah and Marri woodlands, and areas of low heath. The Reserve is a declared Bush Forever site that has been set aside for the purposes of conservation, passive recreation and education.  It is a remnant of the once extensive chain of wetland lakes and swamps which filled low-lying areas between ancient sand dunes.

The Miracles of Microbes

Henderson Environmental Centre Henderson Environmental Centre End of Groat St, North Beach, Australia

Prof. Elizabeth Watkin and Dr Anna Hopkins from ECU's School of Science, Joondalup Campus, will introduce us to microbes then discuss some of the exciting research they are undertaking to recover valuable minerals and rare earth elements using microbial leeching. https://www.wired.com/story/a-new-field-guide-for-earths-wild-microbes/  

The Amazing Malleefowl and the Western Australia monitoring program

Henderson Environmental Centre Henderson Environmental Centre End of Groat St, North Beach, Australia

The Malleefowl bird is southern Australia's only megapode (mound builder). It has survived well in our wheatbelt and arid Mallee country until now.

Exploring the Walpole Wilderness

Henderson Environmental Centre Henderson Environmental Centre End of Groat St, North Beach, Australia

The speakers will be participants in the Notley Post-Easter ExcursionParticipants will show photos and talk about their flora and fauna observations during the week-long excursion.Contact for further information

Cells in the Stone: A Microbial Story.

Henderson Environmental Centre Henderson Environmental Centre End of Groat St, North Beach, Australia

Liam Olden | Senior Geologist, Geological Survey and Resource Strategy Division
Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety
Life has always had an intimate relationship with the surrounding environment. Join us as we get to know some of the oldest physical examples of life on Earth and living fossils, microbialites, and their impacts on the world around them.

Members Night: Frogs, Specimens and Books

Henderson Environmental Centre Henderson Environmental Centre End of Groat St, North Beach, Australia

Our scheduled speaker for May has had to postpone his presentation due to travel commitments. As a replacement, members are invited to participate in a range of activities.

Weather permitting, we will begin the night with a walk to Star Swamp to use the Frog ID app to identify the different frogs that inhabit the area. Participants will be given an opportunity to download the app before we leave the HEC.

On our return, members will be invited to talk about a specimen(s) or a book(s) on nature that they have brought along.

So what to bring: warm clothing, a torch, your phone, something from your natural history  collection and/or some of your favourite or special books on nature.