General Meeting 20th June 2016

Clarke's Pixie Cap on Swamp Paperbark Trunk
Clarke’s Pixie Cap on Swamp Paperbark Trunk
Red-capped Boletus (Boletus prolinius)
Red-capped Boletus (Boletus prolinius)
Woolly and Scaly Button
Woolly and Scaly Button

The topic for our June meeting was Fungi and Colin Prickett delivered a slide show depicting the diversity and beauty of the fungi that is to be found in the South-west of WA. The photos depicted a wide range of species found in various locations around Perth and the lower south-west and how some of them have evolved to take advantage of niche environments such as those that are specialist dung decomposers and others that are hardy enough to break through crusty lateritic soils or to emerge from the ground by pushing aside a large volume of soil.

Red-capped Boletus (Boletus prolinius)
Red-capped Boletus (Boletus prolinius)

The presentation included photos of most of the locally common species as well as several that are not so common;  with over 80 photographs shown it is not possible to list all the species that were included.

 Colin Prickett