Volume 16 No 8 August 31 1987
- The movement of reptiles in Mulga fenceposts with records from Esperance, Western Australia. By Brian Bush.
- New subspecies of Grey Shrike-thrush and Long-billed Corella from Western Australia. By Julian Ford.
- Discovery of the Dibbler, Parantechinus spicalis, on islands at Jurien Bay. By Phillip J. Fuller and Andrew A. Burbidge.
- Notes on Kimberley Birds. By Julian Ford.
- An example of edge effect on ants in the Western Australian wheatbelt. By Bob Hammond.
- Obituary: Julian Ralph Ford. By G.M. Storr.
- From Field and Study:
- Two new breeding islands for Short-tailed Shearwater (Puffinus tenuirostris) in Archipelago of the Recherche, Western Australia. By R.E. Johnstone and L.A. Smith.
- Flock Pigeon Observations. By Otto Mueller and David James.
- Bridled Tern breeding on the Western Australian mainland. By J. Dell and R.A. How.
- Chestnut Whistling Duck in the Perth Region. By Otto Mueller.
- Notes of Reproduction in Captive Lialis burtonis. By Bradford Maryan.
- Whiskered Tern records from Rottnest Island. By D.A. Saunders, P.R. Ehrlich, C.P. de Rebeira and H.F. Recher.
- Index to Volume 16
Volume 16 No 5-7 April 30, 1986
- A botanical survey of Bungle Bungle and Osmond Range, south-eastern Kimberley, Western Australia. by S.J. Forbes and K.F. Kenneally.
Volume 16 No 4 November 27, 1985
- Vertebrate fauna along the Marchagee Track, Western Australia. By S.A. Halse, K.D. Morris O.G. Nichols and G.E. Rice.
- Arboreal geckos feeding on plant sap. By John Dell.
- Observations of the distribution of the New Zealand Fur Seal (Arctocephalus forsteri) in Western Australia. By N.J. Gales and P.M. Lambert
- A Black-bellied Storm Petrel from Western Australia. By R.E. Johnstone.
- Effects of frosting on some coastal plant species. By W. Foulds.
- Utilisation of a Perth metropolitan wetland by water birds. By Sarah H. Hnatiuk.
- Introduction of the Yabbie, Cherax destructor (Decapoda:Parastacidae) into southwestern Australia. By C.M. Austin.
- The birds of Lake MacLeod, upper west coast, Western Australia. By L.A. Smith and R.E. Johnstone.
- Possible hybrids between Banksia hookerana and B prionotes (Proteaceae). By Greg Keighery
- From Field and Study:
- Egernia inornata, an additional reptile record for the Shark Bay Region. By G.M. Shea and R.W. Wells.
- Brown Quail at Carnarvon. By Roger Jaensch.
Volume 16 No 2/3 June 15 1985
- C.H.E. Ostenfeld (187301931): A Danish botanist’s contribution to Western Australian botany. By G.G. Smith.
- Irruption of White-necked Heron (Ardea pacifica) into south-western Australia in 1975. By John Dell.
- Pincushion Millipedes (Diplopoda: Polyxenida): their aggregations and identity in Western Australia. By L.E. Koch.
- Bird populations of farm plantations in the Hotham River Valley, W.A. By E.F. Biddiscombe.
- Observations on the breeding of the Oblong Turtle (Chelodina oblonga). By R.H.J. McCutcheon.
- Zoogeographical importance of tropical marine mollusc species at Rottnest Island, Western Australia. By Fred E. Wells.
- Birds of Lake Cassencarry. By Brenda J. Newbey and Ken R. Newbey.
- The Dibbler (Parantechinus apicalls: Dasyuridae) found in Fitzgerald River National Park, Western Australia. By B.G. Muir.
- From Field and Study:
- Black Honeyeaters feeding on ash. By Kevin Coate.
- Some reptiles and frogs recorded in Stokes National Park. By Brian Bush.
- Barn Swallows at Learmonth. By P.M. Davidson and F.E. Schlager.
- Possible frost damage to native vegetation. By B.G. Muir.
- On the distribution of two north Australian agamid lizards, Chelosania brunnea Gray and Chlamydosaurus kingii Gray. By Brian Bush.
- Pied Butcherbird in the Perth area. By Michael A. Green.
- Third Record of Leach’s Storm-Petrel (Oceanodroma leucorhoa) in Australia. By R.E. Johnstone.
- Obituary: Tom Spence (1920-1985)
Volume 16 No 1 June 15, 1984
- Dedication to D.L. Serventy
- Broad-billed Sandpipers near Esperance and in the Perth Area. By Roger P. Jaensch.
- Notes on the distribution and ecology of the Green-winged Pigeon Chalcophaps indica (Linnaeus) in Western Australia, with comments on subspeciation in the Australian region. By R.E. Johnstone.
- New records of reptiles from Dirk Hartog Island. By Bradford Maryan, David Robinson and Robert Browne-Cooper.
- Bud Autogamy in Orobanche L. (Orobanchaceae). By G.J. Keighery.
- A comparison of two climbing plant species (one native and one exotic) at Woodman Point, Western Australia. By John Fox.
- Notes on distribution and seasonal movement of the Striated Pardalote in Western Australia. By John Dell.
- An unusual Hypogeal Fungus (Gasteromycete) from Western Australia. By G. Beaton.
- From Field and Study:
- Taking of fish by a Whistling Kite in the Pilbara, W.A. By K.D. Morris, C. Nicholson and J. Dalziel.
- Pollination of Jansonia formosa Kipp. Ex. Lindl. (Papilionaceae). By Greg Keighery.
- Nesting and Observations of the Striated Grasswren at Wittenoom. By Elaine and Max Howard.
- Cleistogamy in Elatine gratioloides A. Cunn. (Elatinaceae). By Greg Keighery.
- Solanum berries and Wattlebirds. By Greg Keighery.
- Natural History Notes on Fauna of Kings Park. By Greg Keighery.
- Floral Sexuality in Stylobasium Dest. (Stylobasidaceae). By Greg Keighery
Volume 15 No 8 January 31, 1984
- Notes on the crab fauna of Mangrove Bay, North Cape. By R.W. George and D.S. Jones.
- Insect pollination in the Cyperaceae. By G.J. Keighery.
- The reptilian, avian and mammalian fauna on the Mount Saddleback State Forest, Western Australia. By O.G. and F.M. Nichols
- From Field and Study:
- Spotted Harrier, a new record for Rottnest Island. By C.P. de Rebeira and D.A. Saunders.
- Index to Volume 15
- Notice to contributors.
Volume 15 No 7 November 30 1983
- Construction of a twenty-four hour activity budget for Pacific Black Duck by means of night vision binoculars. By Hugo Bekle.
- The results of a breeding programme for the Noisy Scrub-bird (Atrichornis clamosus) in captivity. By G.T. Smith, C.A. Nicholls, L.A. Moore and H. Davis.
- Psyllids and meat ants on the tree Albizia lophantha. By Bryon Lamont.
- A serendipitous age estimation of a lizard, Tiliqua rugosa (Lacertilia:Scincidae). By Robert Holmes and Alan Light.
- Notes on Bladderworts (Utricularia species) in Lake Jandabup (Wanneroo, Western Australia) with a description of Utricularia dichotoma. By I.R. Lantzke.
- Ballistochery (explosive seed dispersal) in Baxteria R.Br. (Xanthorrhoeaceae). By G.J. Keighery.
- Notes on a rare Western Australian Spider Ceryerda Symon (Gnaphosidae). By G.H. Lowe.
- From Field and Study:
- Notes on birds in South Western Australia. By P.A. Bourke
- Barn Swallows at Exmouth. By P.A. Bourke
- Ravens harrying a Ring-tailed Possum. By Harry Shugg
- Masked Plovers near Perth. By Jean R. White
- Boobook Owl on Rottnest Island. By C.P. de Rebeira and D.A. Saunders.
Volume 15 No 6 August 30, 1983
- Occurrence of Cephrenes augiades sperthias (Orange Palmdart Butterfly) in Perth. By Michael Hutchinson.
- Effects of unseasonable rains in January 1982 on waterfowl in south-western Australia II. Records of late breeding. By Hugo Bekle.
- Notes on the reproduction in captive Menetia greyii (Lacertilia:Scincidae). By Brian Bush.
- Use of a man-made foreshore by wading birds at Herdsman Lake. By Otto Mueller.
- The Rusty-tailed Flyeater, a new species from Queensland. By Ray Garstone and R.E. Johnstone.
- Notes on nesting of Gull-billed Terns (Gelochelidon nilotica). By Ray Garstone.
- The distribution of the Sea Anenome Actinia tenebrosa Farquhar in south-western Australia. By J.D. Ayre.
- The survival, habitat and a new record for the scorpion Cercoponius squama (Scorpionida:Bothriuridae) By G.T. Smith.
- The butterflies (Lepidoptera: Hesperioididea and Papilionoidea) of Barrow and nearby islands, Western Australia. By C.N. Smithers and W.H. Butler.
- From Field and Study:
- Quokka, Setonix brachyurus, at Green Range. By Andrew Kirke.
- A record of late breeding by Blue-billed Duck Oxyura australis. By Hugo Bekle.
- Diamond Doves and other northern birds in the south-west of W.A. in 1981. By A.L. Milhinch.
- Bobtails eating Patersonia flowers. By Harry Shugg.
- Streaked Shearwater Calonectris leucomelas in Australia. By S.G. Lane.
- Grass owl near Broome. By Otto Mueler.
Volume 15 No 5 June 13, 1983
- Crimson Chats in the south-west of W.A. in 1981 By A.L. Milhinch
- Notes on reproductive behaviour in the Tiger Snake (Notechis scutatus). By Brian Bush.
- The burrowing behaviour of the Koonac Cherax plebejus (Decapoda:Parastacidae). By Pierre Horwitz and Brenton Knott.
- Effects of unseasonable rains in January 1982 on waterfowl in south-western Australia I. Responses of selected species on coastal summer refuges. By Hugo Bekle.
- From Field and Study:
- Overnight torpidity in Australian arid-country birds. Noel Ives.
- An early record of overnight torpidity in Western Australian Birds. D.L. Serventy.
- Notes on a movement of young Banded Stilts. Ray Garstone and Brian Jefferies.
- White-winged Triller on Rottnest Island. D.A. Saunders and C.P. de Rebeira.
- Black Butcherbird in Western Australia. By R.E. Johnstone.
- A Red-necked Phalarope at Pelican Point By Jane Prince.
Volume 15 No 4 December 31 1982
- A guide to Western Australian She-oaks (Allocasuarina and Casuarina species). By Eleanor M Bennett
Volume 15 No 3 July 15, 1982
- The Yellow Wagtail Motacilla flava in Australia. By R.E. Johnstone.
- Notes on captive Rabbit Bandicoots (Macrotis lagotis). By Heather J. Aslin.
- Observations on the pollination biology of Nymphaea gigantea W.J. Hooker (Nymphaeaceae). By Edward L. Schneider.
- An Account of Limnadiopsis brunneus Spencer and Hall 1896 (Crustacea: Conchostraca) in Western Australia. By Edward L. Schneider and Stanley L. Sissom.
- From Field and Study:
- Barn Swallows at Carnarvon. By T. Barnes.
- Observations on honeyeaters and their food plants in Peak Charles National Park. By Stephen D. Hopper and Andrew A. Burbidge.
- Birds of Canning Island Archipelago of the Recherche, Western Australia. By A.K. Daw.
- A visit to Sandy Island, Western Australia. By S.G. Lane.
Volume 15 No 2 January 31 1982
- Observations on the ecology of Varanus in the Great Victoria Desert. By Eric R. Pianka.
- Notes on the biology of two species of nocturnal skinks, Egermia inornata and Egermia striata, in the Great Victoria Desert. By Eric R. Pianka.
- Sacred Ibis in south-Western Australia. By Hugo Bekle.
- A specimen of the White Wagtail (Motacilla alba) from Geraldton, W.A. By G.M. Storr, R.E. Johnstone and L.A. Smith.
- From Field and Study:
- Additions to the terrestrial vertebrate fauna of the Shark Bay Region, Western Australia. By D. King and J.D. Roberts.
- Streaked Shearwaters Calonectric leucomelas off mid-west coast of Western Australia. By R.E. Johnstone.
Volume 15 No 1 June 15, 1981
- A Relic Population of Blue-breasted Wrens Malurus pulcherrimus, in the Central Wheatbelt. By Ian Rowley.
- Foraging behaviour of Megachild bees on Swainsona canescens (Fabaceae) and its coevolutionary implications. By Stephen D. Hopper.
- Some vertebrates recorded on a visit to Queen Victoria Spring in December 1977. By K.D. Morris and G.E. Rice.
- Extrafloral nectaries in Alyogyne hakeifolia (Giord.) Alef. (Malvaceae) and their association with ants. By John K. Scott.
- Notes on the pollination of Nuytsia floribunda (Labill.) R.Br. (Loranthaceae) and some literature reviewed. By T.J. Hawkeswood.
- The Desert Coprinus fungus (Podaxis pistillaris) in Western Australia. By Roger N. Hilton and Kevin F. Kenneally.
- Autografting of roots and stems in Eucalyptus and of rhizomes in Nuytsia floribunda. By Bryon Lamont.
- From Field and Study:
- Sighting of the European Common Tern (Sterna hirundo hirundo) in breeding plumage, at Quobba Point, via Carnarvon. By Max Howard.
- A record of a centipede killing and feeding on a sawfly larva. By T.J. Hawkeswood and M. Peterson.
- First record of Golden Bronze Cuckoo in Kimberley. By Julian Ford and R.E. Johnstone.
- Moths and caterpillars on Chenopodium at Perry Lakes. By K.F. Kenneally.
- A Red-back Spider attacking an immature Dugite. By P. de Rebeira.